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Top 5 Creative Uses for Ice Cream Sticks in DIY Crafts

2024-10-26 01:30:14
Top 5 Creative Uses for Ice Cream Sticks in DIY Crafts

This is Kaixuan Wood we are thrilled to share this winter to come up with Top 5 ways to bring new ice cream sticks in your crafts. These straightforward and creative ideas will keep you busy all year round with fun and simple projects you can do at home or with friends. 

Nordic “Tiku” Christmas Tree Ornaments

No month brings as much joy as the rare and rudimentary one, the old (or new) Christmas month. Marchinge it is joyous. One fun way to do this is Tiku Christmas Tree Ornaments. First, you will need ice cream sticks and green paint. Firs,to make them look like little trees, paint your ice cream sticks green or use a painted popsicle sticks. Then glue them together once they are dried in a pyramid style. (Note: Use the largest sticks at the bottom, and each stick above should be smaller) This was really great in order to have your ornament look really nice and tall. 

Mini Picture Frame Magnets

You love so many photos, you have lots of them? You can re-use them as mini-pictures frame magnets using the ice-cream sticks instead of keeping them in a drawer! It’s very easy to do. First, create a square shape by gluing two ice cream sticks together. This will be the frame for your picture. Then, take a small magnet and glue it on the backside of the square frame so you can stick it to the refrigerator. Then choose your best picture and cut it to the shape of your square. Stick the photograph on the frame. 

Popsicle Stick Candle Holders

Presence inside. And that can be a cozy, warm feeling you want your home to bring about. You could also turn this into a fun project and make Popsicle Stick Candle Holders for all occasions and use a multicolored popsicle. For the base, take some ice cream sticks and glue them one by one in a row. This will form the base of your candle holder. Then proceed to bend the glued sticks gently into a circle and glue the edges together in a cylinder shape. (If desired, decorate your candle holder with paint, stickers, colorful markers, etc.) After it’s all decorated, pop a tea light candle into the holder. Great for romance dinner, special gathering or even for a quiet family night in. 

'Stick Together' Wall Hangings

You can learn to make some cool and creative “Stick Together” Wall Hangings using ice cream sticks. This is the same with style to silk your room. Begin by gluing two ice cream sticks in an "L" shape. Now continue adding sticks to build on this shape until you reach a square or rectangle. 

Succulent Planters in the Shape of Sweet Tooth

To begin with, make a framework of six ice cream sticks glued in the shape of a square. This will become your planter’s bottom half. Then attach another six sticks like bbq wood stick — as a triangle — for the top. Take the square shape, then the triangle shape, and position them as a diamond shape, triangle on top after square. 

So, ice cream sticks are not only for eating ice cream; they can also be used for amazing crafts. You can enjoy building fun and unique projects with Kaixuan Wood and your creativity. You can create ornaments, picture frames, candle holders, plant hangers, wall hangings the possibilities are endless! Ice cream sticks gather, Let your creativity flow.